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What I'm reading

I have a soft spot for big middlebrow novels set in remote Scotland. Pilcher is satisfying if that's what you're in the mood for. Nothing challenging, just a nice bath of complications, good-hearted people who come out ahead of the cranky ones, & in Winter Solstice, plenty of snow. A different writer but with a similar intelligent but not demanding manner is Angela Thirkell (Trollope's heiress). Also Helen MacInnes (spy thrillers). I've had a cold? allergies? (not Covid!) this week & Winter Solstice was exactly as much as I could manage. 

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English novelists

A few writers I really like are of the same ilk, descendants of Trollope, I guess you could say.

Angela Thirkell (1890-1961) is explicitly related: Her novels, which she turned out once a year for around 40 years, were set in Trollope's Barsetshire. Her books are light and gently satiric, but literary too: middlebrow. Her grandfather was the Pre-Raphaelite painter Edward Burne-Jones, & she was a first cousin of Rudyard Kipling &  Read More 
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